Ph.D in Human Resources
PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning. The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University.
Companies are made up of people who need security and motivation. Good human resources management guarantees the company efficiency, quality and productivity at all levels. With the realization of the research thesis the candidate faces the latest research and theory to solve human resources problems in an effective and practical way in distribution, production and logistics service companies. Nowadays, companies, multinationals, NGOs, even small companies, seek the best in terms of capacity and productivity from their staff. The objective of this program is to provide candidates, future HR managers with the assessment tools to hire and support the right person in the right position.